
خطة حصة لغة إنجليزية الصف الخامس ترم أول الدرس الأول الوحدة الأولى Time For English

خطة حصة لغة إنجليزية الدرس الأول الوحدة الأولى Time For English  الصف الخامس الابتدائي ترم أول. وهي نموذج لتحضير حصة لغة إنجليزية سواء للمناهج في جمهورية مصر العربية أو غيرها من البلدان العربية..

Unit/ 1                              lesson/ 1                             S.B & W.B Page 1    

C At the Campsite

في المخيم

Conversation Time

Objectives: Learners will be able to:

-   identify camping activities

-   ask and tell the time

-   state what they like to eat

-   role-play the conversation

 Language Focus: Wake up, Mona!/What time is it, Hoda?/It’s seven

o’clock. It’s time for breakfast./Good. I’m hungry./Smells good. What’s

for breakfast?/ We’re having beans and eggs./Yum! My favorite!

خطة حصة لغة إنجليزية الدرس الأول الوحدة الأولى Time For English

Functions: Asking and telling time, expressing physical needs and asking about meals.

Materials Needed: CD/cassette and player; Wall Chart 1; a ball


What did you do this morning?

Introducing the Conversation:

Today, we have a conversation in a camping site. In camps we can do many things. We can play and listen to stories. Others can draw pictures or play cards.  

Practicing The Conversation:

A. Listening and repeating. What time is it, Hoda?   It’s seven o’clock. It’s time for breakfast.

B. Listening and pointing to the speakers.

I will play the recording (second version of the conversation) and have students listen and point to the speakers.

C. Role-playing the conversation with a partner.

Students choose a partner and role-play the conversation. They then change roles and act the conversation again.


Games and Activities: Guess the Line. Play the game using the target conversation.

Finishing the Lesson: Toss the Ball. Toss a ball to your students and

ask them to say their favourite food.

 Extra Activity:

Now, help me, teachers to imagine a new situation and a different conversation.

Hani: Hurry up, Sami.

Sami: Give me three minutes to finish washing pots and pans.

Hani: Ok. I like listening to Osama's jokes.

Sami: Really?

Hani: Sure. He is going to start right now.

Sami: Wow! Let's go.

وختامًا، تقبلوا مني موفور التحية والتقدير وأرجو أن تكون خطة الحصة نموذجًا صالحًا للتطبيق في كل مكان. كان معكم

مستر محمد يوسف محمد المحمودي

جمهورية مصر العربية