
نموذج امتحان لغة إنجليزية نصف العام للصف الثالث الإعدادي 2022 English Exam for Preparatory 3rd year

 نموذج امتحان لغة إنجليزية نصف العام للصف الثالث الإعدادي 2022 English Exam for Preparatory 3rd year 

نموذج امتحان لغة إنجليزية نصف العام للصف الثالث الإعدادي 2022 English Exam for Preparatory 3rd year

  3rd Prep 2022             Final Test              Name: ………..…………….

1) Complete the following dialogue:


Ahmad is meeting a tourist in the Egyptian Museum.

Ahmad: Welcome to Egypt. How do you do ?

Tourist: Hello, (1) -------------------------------------------------------------.

Ahmad: (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------?

Tourist: Im from Italy..

Ahmad: (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------?

Tourist: I will stay for a week.

Ahmad: Is this your first visit?

Tourist: (4) ----------------------------. I have come here three times before.

Ahmad: Whats your opinion about the Egyptian people?

Tourist: (5) --------------------------------------------. Really! I like them very much.

Ahmad: Have a nice time in Egypt.

Tourist: Thanks a lot.

2) Read and complete the text with words from the list: (4 M)                    

get – opens – comfortable –open -  nearby – see

  Im looking forward to our trip to the El-Orman Garden. It --------------- at 9 a.m and it takes about an hour to -----------------there by car. The online reviews about the garden is fantastic. The garden is very big and theres lots to --------------------. Make sure that you wear ------------------- shoes.

3) Read the following, then answer the questions: (5 M)

        An Egyptian salesman used to go from house to house selling vacuum cleaners. He always took one with him to show housewives what the machines he was selling can do clean anything. One day he went to a farmer’s house. When the farmers wife opened the door, he went in at once to show her his machine. "This powerful vacuum cleaner will remove all the dust from your carpets, " he said . " Its no use to me. You are wasting your time here!" said the woman. "Just let me show you!" the man answered. He threw some dirt over the carpet. The woman was very angry. "Dont worry, madam ! Ill eat every bit of dirt that my vacuum cleaner doesnt pick up, " he said . " well , Ill get you a spoon at once . I was trying to tell you that we dont have electricity, so this machine wont work here. Dont feel so sorry, "she said.


A) Answer the following questions :

1. Why did the salesman go from house to house?

 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. What can a vacuum cleaner do?

 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Why do you think the vacuum cleaner didnt work?

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

نموذج امتحان لغة إنجليزية نصف العام للصف الثالث الإعدادي 2022 English Exam for Preparatory 3rd year 

B) Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d :

4. At the end the salesman felt -------------------------------

  a. hungry               b. sad            c. happy                         d. pleased

5. The underlined word "one " refers to -------------------------------

  a. a carpet             b. a spoon               c. a vacuum cleaner       d. a house

6. The sales man put some ------------------------------- on the carpet.

  a. powder      b. dirt                    c. food                            d. water



4)  Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d : (5 M)

1. ------------------------ is a small area of a town or village and the people who live in it.

   a. neighbourhood       b. neighbour                 c. festival                      d. castle

2. The synonym of ” contest ” is  ------------------  .

   a. player                     b. winner                      c. competition               d. competitor

3. The antonym of the word “ elderly “ is  ------------------  .

   a. adult                       b. orphan                     c. old                             d. young

4. We add the suffix” ------------------------“  to form the noun of the verb achieve.

   a. –ly                           b. -ble                            c. -tion                         d. -ment

5. The verb “ play ” can mean “ show ” by adding the prefix ------------------  .

   a. re-                            b. dis-                            c. ir-                              d. un-

6. The problem is really serious. That means its ------------------  .

   a. safe                           b. unimportant            c. important               d. usual

5) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (2 m)

1- We have been married ------------------  (since) more than fifty years!

2-  ------------------  (Either) the speaker nor the toaster has a special offer.

3- What ------------------  (was) you doing when the light went out?

4- Its ------------------  (good) to buy clothes from shops than online.

6) Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on:  (7 M)

“Your Favorite food”






 3rd prep                                 Model Answers                 



1) Complete the following dialogue:                  (5 M)

1- Pleased to meet you.  \ -It’s nice to meet you.

2- Where are you from ?

3- How long will you stay ?

4- No, it isn’t.

5- I think they are very kind and friendly.


2) Read and complete the text with words from the list: (4 M)                    

1- opens     2- get       3- do       4- comfortable



3) Read the following , then answer the questions :      (6 M)

1- To selling vacuum cleaners.              (or any acceptable answer)

2- It can remove the dust from your carpets .

3- Because there isn’t electricity in the farmer’s house.

4. b

5. c

6. b



4)  Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d : (10 M)

1.  a  

2.  c

3.  d

4.  d

5.  b

6.  c      

5)Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (4 M)

1- for           2- Neither               3- were             4- better



6) Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on  the following:  (7 M)

A job you dream of