
The Semantic Reference of Vocabulary In the World of Translation

The Semantic Reference of Vocabulary In the World of Translation.. The Semantic Reference of Vocabulary means what? 

The Semantic Reference of Vocabulary In the World of Translation

Basically, the term reference is usually used in semantics for the relationship that is found between a word and what it refers to in the real world. 

The Semantic Reference of Vocabulary In the World of Translation 

According to Halliday and Hasan’s model of cohesion, reference is used in a similar but more restricted way. (Mona Baker, 2011: 190-191) On the other hands, semantics is a key part of the grammar; phonology, syntax and morphology are other parts. So, speakers of a language have an implicit knowledge about what is meaningful in their language, and it is easy to show this. That knowledge is introduced in ten technical terms: anomaly; paraphrase; synonymy; entailment; semantic feature; antonymy; contradiction; ambiguity; adjacency pairs and presupposition.[i] (Charles W. Kreidler, 2002: 13)

What should translators do?

Translators should understand (1) the relationship of forms within the code and (2) the formal structures of the code to the communicative context of use. However, the translator particularly needs the second more. (ROGER T. BELL (1991) – p. 103) The communicative context helps the translators get the message or the semantic reference of vocabulary. Sometimes we cannot translate words without considering the semantic reference. The semantic reference is an extra critical factor that we should consider; it requires understanding of the culture which backs some phrases and terms. Accordingly, the references, whether cultural or linguistic, must be respected and protected in the process of translation.

[i] Charles W.Kreidler, 2002, Introducing English Semantics, Routledge.